The Pan-Afrikan Reparations Internationalist Standing Conference (PARISC)
The PARISC emerged from efforts of grassroots community networks and formations of the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) after the UK Afrikan Reparations Conference 2023 (UKARC) at Friends House in London, United Kingdom. Chaired by Bell Ribeiro-Addy Labour MP, the UKARC was convened by the Secretariat of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Afrikan Reparations (APPGAR), which is formed of the Stop the Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign, African Foundation for Development (AFFORD), and the Pan-Afrikan Reparations Youth Forum (PARYF).
The 2023 Conference was held 30 years after the Birmingham Conference of the Afrikan Reparations Movement in the UK (ARM UK) that was an initiative co-organised by the Labour MP Bernie Grant, and other Afrikan-heritage community formations such as the Afrikan Liberation Support Campaign (ALISC) and the Pan-Afrikan Grassroots Educational Network (PAGEN). In this tradition, the PARISC has been set up for the Pan-Afrikan internationalist advancement towards Planet Repairs of the work on the implementation of the statements and closing declarations of the 2023 UKARC as a permanently ongoing endeavor of the ISMAR interlinked with the Peoples Reparations International Movement (PRIM).
The Secretariat is the executive body facilitating the coordination, development and practical implementations of the work of the Action-Leading Panels. The Secretariat is responsible for supervising the day to day running of the ALPs by their principal convenors supported by their convening curves. The Secretariat is also responsible for directing external liaison as well as the media and communications work of the PARISC.

Kobina Amokwandoh
Secretariat Convenor

Corinne Elle, Aicha Sow, Piaba Madokwe
Media & Communications Coordinators

Piaba Madokwe
Parliamentary Liaison

Akorfa Gakpa
Indigenous Communities Liaison

Esther Xosei
Special Relationships Liaison

Kofi Mawuli Klu
Elders’ Presidium Convenor and Liaison
- Glocally build from the grassroots, and strengthen, through visibility, the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) in link with the People’s Reparations International Movement (PRIM).
- Glocally harmonise perspectives, policies and actions across various Afrikan and other communities of reparatory justice interest (CORJIs).
- Facilitate the Pan-Afrikan internationalist involvement of various Afrikan and other communities of resistance in matters of relevance to the PARISC and give visibility to the actions, perspectives, and voices of grassroots actors to build capacity for Pan-Afrikan decolonisation, conscientisation, and the Planet Repairs interconnexions of reparatory justice, environmental justice, and cognitive justice.
Action Leading Panels
The PARISC, through its Action Leading Panels (ALPs), will seek to harmonise, promote and support, through shared learning, action research, policy drafting, logistics and various other forms of Positive Action, the interests and efforts of all peoples and their Communities, and formally and informally organised groups and networks, which are endeavouring to study and practically contribute sincerely to Pan-Afrikan Reparations. This at present can be regarded as those efforts of Communities of Reparatory Justice Interest (CORJIs), and others whose endeavours contribute to building the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) and its interlinked Peoples Reparations International Movement (PRIM), so as to advance Decolonization in order to completely Stop the Maangamizi (harms of neocolonialism, colonialism and chattel enslavement) and to glocally enhance peoples’ inalienable rights to Self-Determination, Self-Conscientization and Self-Empowerment in Sovereignty as conducive to winning and securing Planet Repairs.
Grounding Delegation to the Sahel!

On March 9th, the Pan-Afrikan Reparations Internationalist Standing Conference (PARISC) will lead a delegation to the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), as part of grassroots Planet Repairs efforts to build and secure internationalist solidarity with communities who are engaged in the fight for reparatory justice and asserting their right to self-determination. The PARISC delegation is a people to peoples’ internationalist solidarity delegation including members of the PARISC Secretariat as well as from the Leadership Facilitation Team of the Extinction Rebellion Being the Change Affinity Network (XRBCAN).
The delegation will visit the countries of the AES under the banner of Co-liberation for Planet Repairs focusing on the contemporary historic importance of the resurgence of colonized Afrikan people against the forces of neocolonialism for national self-determination, Pan-Afrikan sovereignty and a multipolar world of global justice enshrined in the concept of “Maatubuntuman in Ubuntudunia”. The Planet Repairs Action Learning Educational Revolution (PRALER) study visit will also highlight the Pan-Afrikan and Global Justice importance of gains being made by communities of the Sahel in their anti-imperialist battles which are making huge contributions to the much broader International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) in link with the Peoples Reparations International Movement
The Planet Repairs Action Learning Educational Revolution (PRALER) study visit will also highlight the Pan-Afrikan and Global Justice importance of gains being made by communities of the Sahel in their anti-imperialist battles which are making huge contributions to the much broader International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) in link with the Peoples Reparations International Movement
History of the PARISC
The ancestral movement of African people for Pan-Afrikan Liberation and Reparatory Justice has historically and repeatedly sought points of harmonisation of various struggles in the over standing that our Rendezvous of Victory depends on the total emancipation of our motherland of Afrika and her people and humanity globally. The historic trajectory of our communities has also been towards a unification of our peoples’ power through different types of associations, confederations, and alliances for the safeguarding of Afrika and our role in the maatubuntu steering of humanity. Such pre-cursors such as the unification of lower and upper Egypt, subsequent countless attempts to unify Afrikan polities in to bigger formations in order to safeguard the Afrikan path of self-determined progress towards the realization of our Maatubuntu vision, have also continued in such recent attempts such as the Pan-Afrikan Congresses, the All-Afrikan Peoples’ Conference, the All-Afrikan Trade Union Conferences, the All-Afrikan Student and Youth Conferences, and Conferences of Afrikanist Scholars.
The PARISC thus lives in the legacy of the organs of our movement which have historically come together for the aim of harmonizing the best of Afrikan thought and practice from our grassroots in order to accelerate the struggle for decolonisation.
Contact Details
Media and Communications Telephone: +44 7706 334 26 / +27 78 009 2010
Secretariat Telephone: +44 7737 602 484
Email: [email protected]
Email : [email protected] / [email protected]